It’s your data – how to edit or delete your data

8 June 2017 - 2 min read

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At ManyPets we understand that the data we hold about you is your data, not our data.

You grant us access to it in the belief that we will keep it safe, treat it with respect and use it to provide you with a better service. You should be free to delete any or all of it.

Openness is one of our core values, so we're happy to show every ManyPets customer the data we store. You can see it in the My Account section of our website - just click Privacy under the My Account menu.

We understand that the amount of your data we hold may surprise you even. However, we would rather be open about it than opaque and perpetuate the mistrust people feel towards financial services companies.

When you became a customer you agreed to our terms and conditions that explained what data we will collect but we understand if you would like to edit the information we hold.

For each category of data in your account page, we explain why we hold it and what we use it for. We hope that providing this explanation will reassure that we have nothing to hide.

Customers can remove themselves (and their data) completely, or remove any piece of information they would rather we didn’t have.

The exception is where it relates directly to an insurance policy. We are then legally obliged to keep information relating to your insurance policy for somewhere between 6 and 25 years, depending on the type of policy you have.

We never share your data with anyone else, unless it relates directly to an insurance policy and then we share, strictly necessary parts, with the underwriter that provides the policy.

At ManyPets, we will not do anything with your personal data that we would be unhappy about another company doing with our personal information. You need to decide if that is a restrictive enough for you. If you do have any concerns, we'd love to hear from you on the live chat feature on this page or you can email us here.

We believe our data policy is fair and open, and we challenge the rest of the insurance industry to follow suit.

Irina Wells
Content Marketing Executive

Irina is a former content marketing executive for ManyPets. She has contributed to a number of personal finance sites, including Loot Financial Services and Claro Money.